Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The River

That's right...I'm going to talk about water, and not just any water. The water I've become more recently acquainted with is the Iowa River. When I first visited the University of Iowa, one of the weird things I longed to do was to walk across that water! Not literally, like Jesus, but on one of Iowa City's cool walking bridges.

I had a couple of free hours this afternoon, so I took the time to walk across the river. The bridge was neat, and the spiral walkway to get over the highway was even neater. I have to say the water itself was the most awesome thing I've seen lately, though! Just looking down on it made me feel more peaceful and less stressed out about my day. God is good for making such amazing stuff in the world, like rivers and spiral walkways!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Simple and Delicious Melissa

Have you seen the movie "Julie and Julia"? So...I decided to do my own simplified twist on that, only I promise I won't start a blog or post incessantly on fb about it except for maybe a few times. I've decided I like a lot of recipes from "Simple and Delicious" but I'm never very brave about trying new things. In the next month or two I'm going to make every recipe from the Sept/Oct 2009 Issue. Justin probably thinks I'm psycho, but I'm glad he loves me anyway!